My projects:

This Battleships game was created when I had a decently working "Multiplayer Solution", so I started creating this game to test it out and see what was missing, what should be changed, etc.
This game is heavily inspired by "World of Warship" by "" & "Lesta Studios".
The game's networking runs entirely on my own multiplayer solution.

Target platform: PC, Windows
Completed on: March-2022

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Sockets & Servers (C#), Chatter program

I want to learn about sockets, How do they work? How do I use them? How can I intergrate them into games to create multiplayer experiences. (RPC's)
In this project, I took the first step to answering these questions, how do sockets work? I created a console app that can be used to chat with other people.
I learnt a lot from creating this project and will continue to extend my knowledge on this topic as they are essential to the games I want to create.

Target platform: PC, Windows
Completed on: 14-April-2021

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Social Media account connections

I created this project to learn how the integrated login / account functions from, for example, Goole & twitter's OAuth2 API's work.
The goal of the project was to create a central account system that can be used from a website, standalone game and mobile app.
In order to have the website communicate back to the application / program, I also learned about Deep Linking to accomplish my goal.

Target platform: Website, Windows, Android
Completed on: 5-Febuary-2021
Software used: Unity

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Endless Runner

"Endless Runner" is a project where I created most of the things that have to do with the game. I created the models, textures, code and scenes.
The game itself is an endless runner where the player is trying to survive for as long as possible while increasingly more difficult obstacles arise.

Target platform: Windows, (easy port to mobile)
Completed on: 6-November-2020
Software used: Unity

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Hillplant Website

Hillplant has asked me and a friend to create a website for them.
The website should function to simplify certain aspects within the company.
Together with Hillplant we created and launched the website, and are still planning on expanding upon it.

Target platform: Browser
Completed on: Live, but being expanded upon (released July 2021)

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Multiplayer Test (and multithreading)

This project is my first attempt at a multiplayer game, although I know I didn't do it in the correct way.
I started this project when I learned about http requests and databases, and decided to try and use that to create something multiplayer.
Not using sockets resulted in pretty slow requests, which I wanted to speed up, so I ended up learning about multithreading, which ended up as a big part of this project.

Target platform: PC, Windows
Completed on: 3-Febuary-2020
Software used: Unity

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Multithreading Library (Work in progress)

After making my "Multiplayer test" project I wanted to make a "Library" (I'm not sure if it is one?) to handle all the multithreading for me, that way I could easily implement it anywhere.
It is not completed yet, and I am working on it casually.

Target platform: Unity 2019+
Software used: Unity

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Short-Burn is a group project that I worked on during the end of my second year studying game development.
We used Unity's FPS Micro game as a template, which we then expanded upon.

Target platform: PC, Windows
Completed on: 26-June-2020
Software used: Unity

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About this project and what I did:
For a school project we had to create an L-System, which I worked on quite a bit to get it to where it is now.
It is a very different kind of project from the things I've done before making this.
The main focus was ofcourse on the actual system,
but I also spent quite a bit of time to create the UI for the inputs, aswell as creating the movement for the camera.

Target platform: Websites (WebGL)
Completed on: 22-Januari-2020
Software used: Unity

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The Outpost

About this project and what I did:
For this project I took a multitude of free assets from the Unity Asset Store used them to create a game. The focus of this project was mostly to create a map and adding gameplay to it, together with getting better at game building in general.
I created the gameplay, and put the level together using the assets.

Note: this means that none of the assets, textures nor images used are mine.

Target platform: PC, Windows
Completed on: 20-November-2019
Software used: Unity

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